Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Little Pumpkin

This past Saturday we met my brother, sis in law, step neices and my nephew at Maple Lane Farms to visit the pumpkin patch.  There are so many photo ops there and we def took advantage of it!  We also let the kids pick out pumpkins to decorate.  It was such a gorgeous East TN day!!

Jade, Ashlynn and Kyla as Scarecrows 

Sweet girls

 My precious (almost 3 foot tall)girl!!

My sweet nephew Jerek

 and picking out his pumpkin

 My brother, Scott, and my sister in law, Lori

 Me and Michael

 They had these HUGE sunflowers that we def had to take pictures in!

 We ran to Target to get pumpkin carving stuff and paint so the kids could decorate their pumpkins

Michael and Lori are acting silly while prepping the pumpkins

Scott and I let them do all the dirty work! We took pics! 

 Our finished product! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the features on your pumpkin. It is so cute. It looks like you had a wonderful time at the pumpkin patch!

Stopping from Kelly's Korner! I have an only too.