Thursday, November 10, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had quite a bit going on for Halloween this year!  Trunk or Treat at church, Trick or Treating at Zuma Fun Center and of course Halloween itself!  Jade absolutely loved everything Halloween related!  In fact, she is still talking about it!  I thought for sure she'd be on a Christmas kick by now! 

This picture was taken on our street right before we went to Target with my mom to get candy for Trunk or Treat.  My uncle bought a house up the street and wanted my mom to come see what he is doing to it and she looked so dang cute I couldn't pass up a photo op!

 Mom was in the dressing room at Target and Jade said "Mommy take my picture" and I am so glad I did!!

The next night we had Trunk or Treat...this year Jade went as "Rapunzel" or as she says "Tangled hair"
She got the outfit for her birthday and my mom got the wig at Wal-Mart. 

The hair was almost as long as she is and I really didn't want to be pulling leaves and rocks out of it so I braided it and put 3 of her flower clips in it...I loved it!

Of course we can't leave out my costume!!  I had saw a costume similar online a few months ago and decided that was what I was going to be but def wasn't going to pay $60 for it!  So I scoured Goodwill and thrift shops and finally found this dress at a Habitat store that just opened.  This costume was a HIT!! 

It was so hard to walk in though...the pillows that my mom stuffed in the back kept shifting but it was totally worth it!! So much fun!!

These are some pics I took of my sweet girl on Halloween day before heading to the gym!

That night I got Jade dressed and we headed to my mom and dad's subdivison.  I have always went there on Halloween night to help mom hand out candy because she normally has close to 200 kids...she may have had 15-20 this year!  We were shocked but while taking Jade around I figured out why..we only got to go to maybe 7 houses!  It made me sad!  I had so much fun growing up and trick or treating there! 

Here is Jade with my brother's step daughters Ashlynn and Kyla..they were cute little Monster High girls! 

Here is my adorable nephew, Jerek...he would not put on his dinosaur outfit..was more focused on suckers and ring pops!  He has recently started saying "Cheese" when a camera is around and I ADORE this picture!!

Michael didn't get to participate with us during any of our Halloween activites due to his work schedule and we definitely missed him!! 

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